#287 Kody Duncan | How to save 1,460 hours of your life this year
Kody Duncan started coaching and speaking on positive psychology 10 years ago, qualified to join the National Speakers Association at just 18 years old, and has now set out to help 1,000 go-getters like you build better habits through Habit Examples: his FREE, 5-min habits tips delivered to your inbox every Tuesday.
As a lifelong learner, he's constantly searching for new understanding and challenging his biases, so you can expect an open and respectful conversation no matter what.
His greatest hopes are that his listeners learn simple science-based tips and tricks for making habit-building easier, happiness more create-able, and willpower more leverage-able to live the life they want (and of course, that they consider subscribing to his free email list to continue being inspired and educated like this every week).
As a lifelong learner, he's constantly searching for new understanding and challenging his biases, so you can expect an open and respectful conversation no matter what.
His greatest hopes are that his listeners learn simple science-based tips and tricks for making habit-building easier, happiness more create-able, and willpower more leverage-able to live the life they want (and of course, that they consider subscribing to his free email list to continue being inspired and educated like this every week).