#352: Late Start, New Beginnings: Energetic Radio Returns with Dale and Paul

Welcome to the Energetic Radio podcast. This episode is brought to you

by the school of play dot co, hosted by Dale Sibonham and

Paul Campbell. Each week, we'll bring to you tips, strategies, and ideas

on how you can bring more joy and happiness into your life and those you

share with. Alrighty, everyone.

Welcome back. Late start to the year 2025. Let's be

honest. It's, probably not where we wanted to start the podcast. But the good

thing is, Kembo, when you're busy, you're busy. That's exactly right.

So, it's been a good first world problem It has. To not be able

to get in the podcast studio and bang a couple out just because the sheer

amount of workload we've put upon ourselves, but also the sheer amount of workload that's

been coming in. Yes. We love it. So this is episode number

352. Don't have a stat for it, but if you add all those

numbers together, it equals 10. Happy days.

That is the shittest whatever. I love it. Probably

like a late start to the year. Yeah. Happy new year, everybody. And to

you, mate, now as you said, yes. We've been extremely busy. And,

we we've obviously we just did another podcast before, and it's sort of like we

got the bug back. It's something like when you're so busy, like, you don't wanna

add it another thing to your to do list. And, that we have to keep

one going every week, but then you're like, we looked at each other again. Let's

do another one. We're on. We're either off and off. So I'll be honest. The

cognitive load was there for for thinking all things podcast. And it wasn't. We

we kept looking at each other over the last few weeks going, right, we're gonna

get a pod in. We gotta do a pod. People are asking for it. Like,

we're getting messages, you know, when is your podcast coming back? And that's awesome in

itself first and foremost. That's really nice that people are messaging us and asking, you

know, when's your podcast coming back for Christ's sakes. And we've just looked at Chillington,

mate, the cognitive load, the mental capacity to think of topics and

get to but, yeah, we pumped one out and it was a bit of a

it was good. It was good to get back in the studio and, just have

a chat and learn some things and and get some things on the chest. It

was really nice. I enjoyed it. New year, mate. How's it, do you

feel more settled? I know I think you've a lot more settled, not that you

weren't settled, but, last year was a big

transition for you. I'll be honest. It's a big transition for me Yeah. In

different ways. You, like, trying something new for me, letting

go. Yeah. Do you feel how do you feel? I feel

amazing. I've said a few people on the way the last two months in particular.

So I'm about eight months in now. Yep. The last two months I felt really

settled. Last two months I felt it's gonna sound weird. I felt part of it.

I felt part of it. I felt like I'm contributing. And not that I wasn't

contributing, but you know what I mean? Now I said that the other day. And

I'm like, oh, mate. You've been contributing it. Yeah. No. I didn't expect you to

come in first day and just start dominating. Like

Yeah. But now now I've got I've got I've got my head around the business.

I've got my head around, you know, hustling and how things work and bringing

business in. And I think my networks have now got their

head around what I'm doing a bit more and, you know, businesses coming in and

those sorts of things. But also just our what's helped is our brand.

Yeah. Brand awareness has been incredible the last three or four months

really. You know what I mean? We we swapped the name over eight months ago

now, but the last four months, it's started to shoot off. And

hence why we we're not doing our first podcast until mid Feb

end of Feb just because the brand has gone berserk. And, I think that's

made me feel a bit more comfortable to ask you a question because you take

a leap of faith and you jump out of it. But can

clearly see where we're going now. I can clearly see

the vision that you had eight years ago and putting it all together.

And just what we've done with the resources you've developed over the last eight years

and how it's all packaged up now and the sheer volume of what we're

offering is bloody mind blowing. Yeah. And it's

unreal. And, yeah, man, I'm loving it. And I'm loving the

balance. I'm loving I'm loving life. Like, honestly, cliche is

all all heck. Cliche is like cringe worthy, but I don't feel like I go

to work anymore. Yeah. And honestly, I don't I don't I don't lie in bed

Sunday nights and go, oh, man. Gotta go to work tomorrow. I'll wake up Monday

mornings. I don't. I literally just can't wait to get up and hustle and and

see where the day unfolds, and it's awesome. So the year started really well,

mate. I'm loving it. Personal front, our house is flying

because our our two cherubs have started school this year. Yeah. And it's

elite like Parker's Parker's in prep and Hunter's in grade one. And

it was the most fulfilling moment of Mel and I's

year when those two little buggers got their school uniform together day one, and we

set them off with little backpacks on. And, you know, no tears from either of

them and they just love school. And now

we've got one drop off and one pickup and they're in the, they're in it,

in it together and they're hanging out and they come back thick as thieves and

they're happy as anything. And I think that's made our household fly a little

bit this year. No doubt. And it's been an absolute cracker. So Brilliant, mate.

Yep. How about you? Mate, you started well. The

whole point of you obviously coming on was to slow down a little bit, and

I think I've never been busier, which is great. But, our school's

nearly in our curriculum is now in nearly 30 schools.

Mhmm. And for me, mate, that's so exciting because,

obviously, we've set big goals and next year, we wanna be in a hundred. And

it's getting that way and the feedback. And I think that's the thing that

I've loved the most is that you create something, and it's

not you in the room. And essentially, that's what our business has been for eight

years. Yeah. And hence why you coming on board to

create, turn what we already had into something that will impact more people

and have a bigger reach and means that our capacity can do other things that

Yeah. We don't need to be doing gigs every day even though we have been.

That's really exciting for me, and I would like, it makes me really proud, particularly

when you get principals just sending you, like, random emails. No.

Like, out of the blue, they don't need to saying or they're ringing, saying

how good your platform is or Yeah. How much the students are loving the

activities, all the staff. Yeah. It's the best. It's the feedback from the when you're

getting we're getting from the staff is we are using your activities, we're using your

curriculum and the difference it's making in our classrooms, in our relationships

with our kids. We're loving it. So staff is saying we're loving

teaching it and the kids are loving learning it. And that's the best feedback

to get. And there's something I'm pumped about is our family one. You know, Dale's

been working tirelessly last sort of couple months on on creating a family,

I guess, not a curriculum, but a family membership sort of Portal. Portal. Yeah. That

portal. And, and we can't wait to release that to the world so that

It's probably about three weeks off our Three weeks off of me to work out.

Wait, for families to get what we do. Because we run a workshop

and it's fun. Like, we often often look at each other and we

go, that was fun. Like, it was how much fun was running that because how

much fun everyone has doing activities together. And the fact that families will now get

the opportunity to do those in their homes, I'm

I'm pumped. I'm pumped to hear the feedback from families Yeah. About how it goes.

And that's the reason we've got it. That's been one market that we haven't been

able to, I suppose, really impact. Mhmm. And we know

that kids spend a lot lot of time at home. They spend a lot of

time at school. Yeah. But the key is having fun activities to do

that work that don't take any more capacity

from parents that are already stressed and busy, but it actually gives them something they

need. Yeah. So I've actually really enjoyed planning it out. A

bit nerded out on it, things like that. I suppose that's led really nicely

into, for the last six months as well, mate. We've been writing a

book. Yeah. So it's called three hundred and sixty five days of

play, for families. So essentially, each month has a

different theme around, like, kindness, resilience, gratitude, whatever it might

be. And then each month also has a theme of stories.

So, obviously, we all learn best through narrative, you know, where you can build,

you can build some capacity or feel like you're part of something by

learning through a story. And so there's a story about

either a celebrity, a sports star, a country, a

company A scientist. Any anything like that. And, there's a

story that relates to that theme. There's an activity then that families can

do for that day. So, for example, if you're picking this up in the first

of March, bang, you just go straight to the March 1. There's a story,

there's an activity you do as a family, and then there's backed by science why

you do that. And you really Short and sweet too. Like, it's it's not it's

not jargon. It's not long. It'll take you three minutes in the

morning to read that one that one little blog, and then it gives you the

idea of the day. And I reckon families if you do it well with your

families, the kids, but you're gonna wake up every day going, can't wait to hear

or to read Yeah. Who they're talking about today. And then I can't wait to

see the activity that or the game they got planned for us. Yeah. It's

gonna be epic. Yeah. Yeah. And that was really exciting. Because as I said, we've

been running up for six months in the back end. We knew it was good,

and obviously had a had a lovely meeting with Amber Press, Alicia, and our

publisher. And straight away, she said, beauty, yep. We want this. And

want it by middle of the year. So, that'll be coming out in July. Yeah.

And do you know what I'm stoked about with that? Because for the last six

months people, Dale's got a a book out previously all work and no play.

And we give books out in our workshops and we use those prizes and it's

a great business card and and I've seen Dallas sign books for

people nonstop and it's great. He'll do a run a session and I'll go, can

you sign my book? And and I'll give him a crap out all the time.

And then what's been happening is I've been running some workshops and then people come

up to me and go, can you sign the book? I'm like, you know, I

didn't write that one. Right? So So it'll be, you know You still may sign

it. I'll still be signing it. I haven't seen you do it, but I think

that's really cute. Never stop smiling. Never stop playing. And I signed

as Paul Campbell, not Dale Sullivan. But I yeah. It'd be it'd be

exciting for me to have my name on a on a cover with you, and

I won't feel so weird when someone asks me to sign a copy of their

book and I'm signing your book.

Oh, and with that as well, I remember last year I spoke about, I've

had a, my mentor, Brad Smith and I know he's

mentoring you as well now. We've been for the last four or five years now,

we've been working on a kid's book called The Playful Astronaut, and we obviously got

scammed by a really, really shit human. Yeah. So really, like, a

cotton man. And it wasn't just us. I spoke about his before. There's four or

500 other authors that he did the same thing to.

Yeah. Which is a bit sad, but anyway, you you learn from these. And,

yeah. So now we're working with somebody else, and that will also be

launching at exactly the same time as, our three hundred and

sixty five days of play. So, essentially, both books will be

out there for sort of the older sort of family. So Yep. You know, three

hundred and sixty five days of play is more for sort of where you're at

now if Yep. You know, both boys in primary school. Mhmm. Whereas the

playful astronaut will be for our younger families. Yeah.

Sort of where my family's at at the moment, where the

astronaut visits nine planets. Each planet gives it a life skill

and also gives it part of its space suit, and you build your space suit

as you go along. And It's a it's a sick concept. Yeah. It's a really

good one. And I'm really excited that that will all coincide with,

yeah, our family membership platform as well. It's, yeah, it's

one of those things when you're chipping away at these things and you believe in

and be like, wow. Now it's all just taken place. Yeah. So I'm sorta no.

I was glad that I got scammed. It wasn't the nicest experience. No.

No. It's just wasn't a little bit as well. It probably wasn't even more

that. It was my biggest thing is what people said, asking me as I was

so excited to read it for my two boys Yeah. And I still haven't been

able to do that. I've been hanging to read to my because I've seen, obviously,

the transcript, not I've read bits of it, and I can't wait to see it

come to life with the with the illustrations. I've been I've been hanging around it

for a year now. I mean, I can't wait to come out. But it's an

incredible scam. It's like scammers, they're bloody everywhere, aren't they?

Everything you haven't seen in a book deal. Like, when people get scammed online all

the time, but some idiot was scamming hundreds of authors and had no intentions

of releasing their book and took all your money. Yeah. And you can't really

Well, he he chase them back. You know what I mean? Like, he can't do

anything. He's gonna get over the bankrupt bankruptcy. He's part of a bankruptcy and off

he goes. Yep. And he and his he couldn't Laundered his money somewhere. Probably. And

you couldn't search him because he this was a new name. Yeah. So you've done

it a couple other times under different names. It's mind blowing. Yeah. If if you

look out, if you wanna read about it, the publisher was called Shoreline.

The guy's name was Bradley Smith. Not Bradley Smith. I shouldn't say

that. Bradley Shaw. Sorry, Braddo.

And just a really, really poor human. There's so many articles

on him now. It actually made me really sad, Camber, because

we became all the authors became part of his Facebook group, and

I just found it really sad when so many people are saying they'd put, like,

their life savings in to get this book out there. And, obviously, I we're

in a play a bit better situation that I didn't care. But, yeah, the

money, it was gone, but it was more the fact that I didn't have the

book to read my boys and being proud of. Whereas other people, it, like,

devastating because The monetary side of things. %. Yeah. And that's what

I'm like. It's just really, really sad. Those things happen. But Yeah. Yeah.

Anyway, there's always a positive, when you make it happen, and we've been

working really hard. So, yes, it's gonna be really nice to have both

books coming out, at the same time to really

impact families that will benefit from these books.

Yeah. So very excited about that, mate. I love it. I love it. I've

got a rant I wanna throw into, like, a real random question real quickly

because I was unpacking the dishwasher this this morning. Oh, that's awesome.

I'm not doing that in the morning too. I will here we go. Okay. So

I guess here we go. So my question on that notice is when you're unpacking

the dishwasher, do you make a game out of it? Or am I the only

person playing that does that? Because every time I pack the dishwasher, I'm like speed

demon. I get the cutlery out first, and I'm like, how smooth and how

quickly can I get all of this unpacked as quick as I

can? And sometimes I don't pack the dishwasher if I've got something in the microwave

gone, so I'll have a minute on or two minutes and like, can I get

it done All done? In that time? Do you am I the only idiot that

does that? I'm normally eating in between, like, taking

mouthful. Yeah. I'm normally making a coffee for bringing myself Oh, you're multitasking?

I do, and I'm look like I got two kids yelling at me. No. So

You know? Sometimes it can take a little longer. Yeah. I do get it there,

but, no. It is a game, I suppose, managing all

the different things going on trying to get it done. I'm just sitting there. I

was doing this morning, and I'm doing the speed unpacking, and I do it every

time. Like, I wonder if I'm the only idiot that turns unpacking a

dishwasher in the game. I thought I was out this morning. No. I I don't,

but, I'll probably think about it now that you've brought it up. Next time you

watch, I will set records. We'll put we'll put the fastest times in the

fridge. We'll be like and we'll ask you like, what's on the fridge? You're like,

the fastest the world record of unpacking the dishwasher in the side bottom household.

And then challenge you to beat it. Whoever wins gets a planned date night, end

of the week. Bang. There you go. It's a bit of play for the family.

Happy days, mate. Happy days. Happy days. Now, what's

your goal for the year? Oh, I got numerous. As you

know as you know, I am a a resolution man. Not a resolution man. I'm

a go I set some goals at the start of the year. And I set

some goals around few things. I set the goals around business, which was our love

to do our curriculum and winning some business and those sorts of things. And those

goals are pretty much they're getting ticked off already, which is awesome. I'm telling you

mid Feb. Yep. You know, my some of my personal

goals is around my fitness and those sorts of things. I wanted to get back

to, like, I've stopped running long distances. I've only been doing short shot, you know,

three to five k. So I've whacked on there at 10 k. Not overly hard,

but I just wanted to challenge myself a little bit with something I haven't been

doing. So I wanted to do a 10 k run, sub fifty minutes, which

not been a wake up. I could probably go out and do it tomorrow. I

haven't done it yet. No. But I'll do it. So it's a little challenge. I

wanna get back into some more longer distance running to challenge myself there. I had

some strength based ones. I won't go into details of them. I

had a few with Mel, so I had a I wanna plan more date nights.

She's gonna listen to this as well, so now it's out there. So That's good.

You gotta put it in there. Gotta put it in there so now I can

live up to that. Yeah. I wanted to plan a few more date nights

with, with the lovely. Yeah.

Family holiday was in there. Just I just put some things. I made some goals

around all the major parts of my life. One of them was to be a

little bit better, especially with contacting mates and calling mates

a bit more. Obviously, the last six months of last year jumped ship,

started the business, and I probably fell away in that area a little bit of

picking up the phone and actually calling my mates. I was a bit focused on

myself and the business and the family. So, yeah, try and catch up a little

bit more with the with the boys and the mates and whatnot on a regular

basis. Just keep in contact with me better. And

I've done this every year and I'm yet to do it. I wanna become an

Australian citizen. I haven't done it yet. Michael, I hope you're

listening. I think I think my mate and I, one of my mates, Ollie, we,

we used to bet on it every year that I'd do it, and that was

fifteen years ago, and I still haven't done it. So, yeah, I'm not an Aussie

citizen yet, and I've been here since I was eight years old. So I've never

got up my ass and become an Aussie this year. Alright. There you go. I

like it. What about you? Mine's very simple, mate, and,

I need to stay calmer, and be less

an emotional, like, in the heat of highs and lows. Mhmm. And

that will help you've actually been really good to have come on a

business partner because I think I was at my tether of,

yeah, just not being able to handle different things, and then I'd fly off instead

of just taking a deep breath. Mhmm. But probably more importantly with my

family. Yeah. That's yeah. With my partner, with

Brie, my lovely wife and the boys,

yeah. I just need to stay calmer and just be

less, less, less. And for me, that's

yeah. My emotions, keeping them checked and just really

focusing on what really matters. And, that things are

gonna come and go and be high and low, but I'm I'm the one that

can control that. I like it. Stimulus response. %. And I know I

haven't been good at this. And you could say that's for

a whole heap of different things, but at the end of the day, I've not

been good at this, and that's plain and simple. So, yeah, that's my

goal. Well done, man. And you know what? That's incredibly vulnerable. What you've just done

there, you've just released that for the world. You know what I mean? You've owned

that, and that's the first step, right, is owning it and and manning up to

it. But please know you've had a shit time or two. Like, like,

sleeps those are the your sleep deprivation is the worst thing you can do in

a family and you've been copping it left, right, and center for months and months

and months. Yeah. Good news is those sorry. These kids had some

surgery and hopefully to we'll we'll help the cause a little bit, help Sonny get

a bit more sleep and help the family get a bit more sleep. And, but,

yeah, that old stimulus response here between every stimulus,

there's a quick moment in time where you can make your response and

you've hit the nail on the head. I gotta breathe a little bit more and

the stimulus comes instead of having the short fuse. No. My fuse is out there

and been a fuse. It just goes off. Just the week that the people I

think that's in that. It's not just my family. It's in all aspects. Do you

know what I mean? Yeah. I think when it all when everything just gets too

much, it's easier just to erupt and then apologize afterwards, but

it's not the way to go. Yeah. And I'm aware of that now. And, I

am doing a lot of work on myself to get better at it because it's

not something you can just change. No way. And No. It's habitual. It's habitual.

Right? It takes time. And it's the sort of person I am. But, yeah,

for everybody in my life, that's what I'm trying to work on. And I think

if I get that right, everything else will be so much better. Not saying I

think so too. Not saying it's not not good, but, yeah, it's

just sort of bit tense in a lot of areas. Yeah. And I'm

probably the main factor of all that. Okay. Because I am the adult,

and I can control what I control. Whereas, couple of young boys,

they they're all seeing all as aware Yeah. And nor should they

be on the adult. So, yep. For me, that's my

just my goal. Well, then, I look forward to watching the growth throughout the year.

I have a front row seat to the to the doubt every day. So You

do. Yeah. And you know what? I think you're doing a great job at to

me, Lucio. I think the fact you've been working on it for a little while,

and you put your hand up, you know, you get it right. That's the first

step. So Thank you, mate. Good job, mate. Thank you. Well done. Well done. Okay.

I was listening to something the other day that that struck a chord with me.

As you know, I'd love to listen to podcasts and all sorts of bits and

pieces. And something struck cool. They, they asked another question without

notice. I'm gonna ask you first before I get into it. What, what do you

think the most important word is in Nike's

tagline of just do it? Do. Oh,

see, and this is what came from the thing. I love this because most people

when they ask that question, it says do. Right? Do it. The thing that

shook her call me was from calling these people, the most important word was the

just. You know what I mean? Just do it.

Like as so many people want to do things,

they wanna do it, but they don't actually bloody go and do it. So the

just is, hey, yeah, it's tough. You've gotta go for your five k run-in the

morning. You gotta get up and, you know, eat healthy or whatever it might be.

You gotta go to the gym, you know, 5AM like you do. And I'm sure

there's many times when you wake up, you're like, can't be stopped today, but

you just get up and then you do it. I see.

I'm probably I see where you're coming from here, but how I think is

I do. Yeah. I I just I do. It's not the just,

and I know probably a lot of people aren't like that. I love that just

Yeah. But do. Could you imagine if Nike's tagline was just well,

for example, was do it. Would it have the same

impact? Just do it. Like just get off your

bloody ass and go and do it with you. And like motivation we

spoke about on the previous pod, actually motivation is a bit of a, it sucks.

Like motivation, I don't think is a, it is a thing, but

will power and discipline and self, like, you know what I

mean? Like Keeping me self accountable. Yeah. Self accountability. That's

what leads to motivation. Yeah. %. Yeah. And I

just yeah. I was when I heard that and I started listening to that part

about Nike's tagline of just do it and just I was like, man,

that's actually I've never thought of it like that. I always thought it was the

do as well and never since then, like, just do it. And

then that went insane. In every human being, there is a three

minute window of when your

when your mind says, right, I wanna go for a run, and there's

a three minute window where your feelings will start going, oh, how am

I gonna feel if I go for that run? It's gonna be hard. It's gonna

take effort. It's gonna be motivation. I'm a lot more comfortable lying in my bed

or whatever it might be. There's other things I can do. And if you don't

get off your ass in those three minutes and just go and do it,

chances are you won't. And I was like, man, that's that also shock a chord

with me. You know what I mean? And, I've started in the mornings trying to

I I'll be honest. I get up in the morning and I grab my phone.

I'll just easily jump jump in Easter to see what's going on for five and

just be the relaxed time. And then we're trying to get away from that because

that that's the three to five minute window when when we're gone. Oh, man. Bed's

comfy. You know what it is. But, yeah. I don't know. I found that interesting

that everyone's got that three minute window where you can just get off your ass

and do it. And it struck a chord in me, and I'm putting in my

own life and it's working wonders, people. Yeah. So if you're a I don't know.

If you're lacking in a bit of motivation, yeah. Think

about the tagline, just do it. You got three minutes to make your decision.

Just bloody get up and get you sorted out and go and do it. Or

just sort it out and do it. Yeah. That's do it. That's the

no. You have to do it. Not negotiable. When you

don't, you start that's when you start talking to yourself in that way

that, oh, you wouldn't talk to anyone else like that. Are you talking

to yourself like that? That's not good. So don't remember the

just just Do it. Nike

sign this man up. Do it. That's so good. Anything

else, Cameron? I also

because we were talking about anxiety before and,

everyone's got anxiety. Right? Like, everyone on the planet has

it. No ifs or buts. Well, it's a good emotion. It is a great emotion,

and every single person has it. And

someone taught me the other day, it was actually one of our workshops, and we're

talking about anxiety, and they said you've got it people have gotta stop saying

I have anxiety because you're you're

labeling it upon yourself like I have anxiety. Well, no shit.

Everybody's got anxiety. So what this lady said to me, he said we need to

start teaching people, especially young people, but adults as well, I feel

anxious about. Mhmm. And it helps you to understand

what it is in the world that brings on your

nervousness and your anxiety. Yep. Because everyone's got it.

Right? Like, everybody's got anxiety. And everyone

feels anxiety when there's a moment of uncertainty coming

up. Right? And and I can resonate. Like, I don't think I've got like, I

don't have anxiety in quotation marks, but I definitely have it right. Because

before every workshop, there's that moment of uncertainty. How's the crowd gonna

be? How's my first five minutes gonna land? How am I gonna how

am I gonna roll it out today? There's that little bit and there's that little

bit of nervousness. Everything. Every time you're

going out for a night out with your mates, how's the night going? I know

it's every human being has so many moments of

uncertainty in their life, and that moment of uncertainty brings a little bit of anxiety

or a little bit. So I don't know. That was just really powerful. This

lady that said to me, you know, stop saying, you know, kids need to stop

saying people just I have anxiety because everyone's got it. And

start saying, I feel anxious about and it helps you identify

the things in your life that you can work on or get your head around

more. And the only thing that changes in people, like, it's some

the people that walk walk around the earth is going, I have anxiety.

So the words of people like me that go, no. I don't I don't think

I have anxiety, but I feel it is just our own self

belief in being able to deal with the uncertainty that unfolds.

Yep. Just. Yes. That's exactly the same, isn't it? Isn't it? Like, I know in

my workshops, if something doesn't land well, the crowds will be tough, I know that

I can deal with that. I know that I'll make it work. I'll bring a

bit more energy. I'll shift focus. I'll shift direction. I think in my

feet. And so the nerves are a little bit less, but

other people walking to our shoes who run

workshops would go on that stage packing themselves because they don't have

that self belief that they can deal with whatever's gonna unfold in the next fifteen

and half an hour. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. And so if you're I

don't know. If if you listen to this and you have anxiety, welcome to the

world because we've all got it. And it's good. Like, it it's actually a good

emotion. Yeah. But by identifying, not labeling it Yeah.

Identifying situations where it comes up for you, then you can put in a plan

of how you're gonna overcome it. Because you can always overcome it. Yep. And

if you step away from it, that's when it starts to become a problem. Yeah.

Most definitely. And you're right. So when you're identifying the moments that bring it on

Yep. You then need to lean into those moments Have a plan. Far more often.

And you have a plan with it, and you do it the first time and

it's bloody uncomfortable. Yep. You do it a second time, it gets

easier. With repetition, that moments in your life that brings on the

feeling of anxiety, if you lean into that and you lean into

the uncomfortable and you stretch that comfort zone, in time, in three months,

in six months of doing repetition, that is no longer gonna gonna cause you

anxiety. And that is one less, you know, thing in your

life that is gonna cause you to feel anxiety. But then there'll probably be

another thing. Yeah. And that's why And that's what you're leaning to again because it's

the only way you grow. Yeah. Alright. It's not something you should shoo away from

or feel like it's a negative. Yeah. It's actually a really positive thing because the

only way it's growing is getting into that uncomfortable area and knowing that you

can overcome it, not by identifying it as something and then not doing

it Yeah. Because of that. Yeah. And I know we medicate and, trust me, I'm

more I'm more for that. Like, I get I know that we medicate for anxiety

and it's needed. Trust me, I've got friends that need it. But I I feel

as though with what I've just learned there, medication along with,

some actual physical doing of of leaning is that uncomfortable and doing it over

and over again. I think that's a better way to not cure. I don't wanna

use the word cure, but a better way to manage never cure. No. Better way

to manage your anxiety. And I get that the medications

allow you to do that first and foremost, but there'll be a moment in time.

Like, for example, if I got mates that, you know,

public speaking and and talking in in their business and those sorts of things

or at work, they're gonna do a keynote presentation for work, and they get

anxious about it. They spurt those sorts of things. And some of them take anxiety

medication that helps them. Take the medication, but then do as many of those

presentations as you possibly can. And in twelve months time, chances are you

might not need that medication before you do it because your mind is you've

got the belief in yourself that you can actually do this now. Yeah. I

know. So a couple of things that just in my last few weeks of listening

to my pods is let's do just popped up and I was like, man, interesting.

And and our workshops are brilliant because I love running workshops because we always learn

from them. You know, I mean, that lady that said that to me, it was

like such a powerful moment. It was like that

one last year where he's like, shouldn't sound proud of you. You should be proud

of yourself. Yes. Once again, the way that so many times now.

I use it with so many people. I use it on my workshops. I use

it with my kids every every two seconds. Yep. And Aachen, that's a winner. Yeah.

I do too. I the more you talk about it, I understand it. Yeah. Yep.

Yep. That's what I mean. You're always open to growing and learning if you allow

yourself to be. And I suppose that's putting yourself in a situation that sometimes is

a little bit out of your control. Yep. But that's when growth happens. Exactly right.

Oh. Oh, I love it. Oh, we're late to start the year, Ken.

But I'll tell you what, pick the punch there, big boy. And

I'll tell you what listeners, get ready for some amazing books

coming out. And some great signatures from, my fellow partner over

here. So I've been practicing the office. I'm like, mate, what are you doing? He

goes, oh, I've gotta get my note right and my signature. Mate, just worry about

getting some more work in before you start signing me for You are such an

idiot. I love it. I love it. I have been working on what I'm gonna

write inside cover. Stop signing my book. Yes.

I love that album. It's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Episode

three, five, two equals 10. Everyone will remember that. It's a stack of

the week. And we're back and it's good to be back. We'll try our best

to be consistent with this. We promise. We've got some really exciting road trips coming

up that we can't wait to share with you as well. Listeners, enjoy yourselves, enjoy

each other's company, get in there, live life, go nuts.

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